Sachiko Ragosta

Past Health Educator | They/Them

I came onto IWAY as the first Health Educator and have had the privilege of watching the project grow as Caroline took over. In the first year, much of our time was spent building connections with schools and organizations, and we were only able to get a few youth involved in our programs. I was so excited to attend a packed IWAY event the following year where AAPI youth performed and engaged in open conversations about the difficulties of getting mental health support as an AAPI person and to support the QTAYS group as they put together their documentaries. I was so impressed by the vulnerability, creativity, and fearlessness IWAY youth demonstrated in these performances and creative endeavors. It is so clear that IWAY has provided an invaluable space for AAPI youth to break taboo and heal in community. IWAY will always be so close to my heart!